Saturday, March 21, 2020

Edvard Griegs Morning Mood Hall of the Mountain King essays

Edvard Griegs Morning Mood Hall of the Mountain King essays When one thinks of the Romantic composers, the names Beethoven, Wagner, Chopin, or Liszt come to mind. Looking even further into the period one sees the names of nationalist composers like Glinka, Tchaikovsky, and Smetana. Unfortunately, there are still many composers of the Romantic era whose music is known, but for some reason there names have grown apart from there music. Edvard Grieg, a Norwegian nationalist composer, is one of these men. Many people would know Griegs work In the Hall of the Mountain King if they heard it, but would be unable to tell you who had written it or where the work originates from. Despite his lack of fame in todays world, his music still is a prime example of the Romantic period and tendencies. Two works in particular are Morning Mood and In the Hall of the Mountain King, both from his Peer Gynt Suite No. 1, despite their very conflicting styles Edvard Grieg is thought of in the music field as a symbol of Norway. He was born in Bergen, Norway on June 15th, 1843 the fourth of five children. Music interested Grieg from a young age and at the age of six he began piano lessons with his mother. His mother, Gescine Hagerup, was known as the best piano teacher in Bergen and led him firmly, but lovingly into the music field. At the age of fifteen in October of 1858, Grieg left to attend the Leipzig Music Conservatory. He did not have an easy time at the conservatory. During his time there, Grieg suffered an attack of pleurisy that caused permanent damage to one of his lungs. He also had problems with the institutional nature of the school. However, despite the hardships he faced, he graduated from Leipzig at Easter in 1862 with high marks. After graduation, Grieg moved to Copenhagen to broaden his musical scope. While in Copenhagen he met people that would become life long friends and idols. One of Griegs first idols, which he met in...

Thursday, March 5, 2020

A Guide to Using Important Japanese Gestures Properly

A Guide to Using Important Japanese Gestures Properly While language is a major way of communicating between cultures, a lot of information is packed in-between the lines. In every culture, there are subtleties to pay attention to in order to abide by social customs and rules of politeness. Here is a breakdown on important gestures in Japanese culture, from the right way to sit on a tatami mat to how to point at yourself.   The Proper Way to Sit on Tatami The Japanese have traditionally sat on tatami (a padded straw mat) at their homes. However, many homes today are completely Western in style and dont have Japanese style rooms with tatami. Many young Japanese are no longer able to sit properly on a tatami. The proper way of sitting on tatami is called seiza. Seiza requires that one bends the knees 180 degrees, tuck your calves under your thighs and sit on your heels. This can be a difficult posture to maintain if you are not used to it. This sitting posture requires practice, preferably from an early age. It is considered polite to sit seiza-style on formal occasions. Another more relaxed way of sitting on tatami is cross-legged (agura). Starting with legs out straight and folding them in like triangles. This posture is usually for men. Women would usually go from the formal to an informal sitting posture by shifting their feet just off to the side (iyokozuwari). Though most Japanese do not concern themselves with it, it is proper to walk without stepping in the edge of the tatami. The Right Way to Beckon in Japan The Japanese beckon with a waving motion with the palm down and the hand flapping up and down at the wrist. Westerners may confuse this with a wave and not realize they are being beckoned. Although this gesture (temaneki) is used by both men and women and all age groups, it is considered rude to beckon a superior this way. Maneki-neko is a cat ornament that sits and has its front paw raised as if it is calling for someone. It is believed to bring good luck and displayed in restaurants or other business in which customer turnover is important. How to Indicate Yourself (Who, Me?) The Japanese point to their noses with a forefinger to indicate themselves. This gesture is also done when wordlessly asking, who, me? Banzai Banzai literally means ten thousand years (of life). It is shouted during happy occasions while raising both arms. People shout banzai to express their happiness, to celebrate a victory, to hope for longevity and so on. It is commonly done together with a large group of people. Some non-Japanese confuse banzai with a war cry. It is probably because the Japanese soldiers shouted Tennouheika Banzai when they were dying during World War II. In this context, they meant Long live the Emperor or Salute the Emperor.